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Cartotrac Intranet

My project is to create an Intranet for a drone enterprise. It should include all the basic functionalities for an intranet

Not deployed yet...
Feature 1

The user management

The user management was one of the main parts of the project, as it consists of adding users with specific authorizations. Every user should be recognized, using an e-mail address and a password that are saved in an SQLite database. To correctly manage everything, I added routes to add, edit and delete users. All these tools depend on the user "role", as a guest cannot edit anything, and the administrator ("superuser") can use every tool.

Feature 2

Document Import

It was in my requirements from the friend I'm creating this Intranet for. He wanted to export and import his CV on this Intranet. In order to achieve this, I coded a PDF import. The PDF files are saved in a MongoDB database. Same as for the user management, I added routes with methods in order to add or delete PDF files.

Feature 3


As every intranet, I needed to implement a calendar. The easiest way, as I thought, was to integrate the Google Calendar with API. Indeed, it was a very good practical exercise, but a very complicated thing to achieve. So, at the end, I only added a route to receive events from the calendar.

About This Project

At the beginning, I didn't have any specific idea for this project. I thought about creating a "CV" website, until I met someone at a bar in my town, Rabastens. This guy, Julien, was working in a drone service enterprise in Montauban. He told me that he wanted to create his own enterprise and he was looking for a developer, as he wanted a new website and an intranet. Moreover, he needed someone that codes in Python, as a lot of the tools he is using with drone software are coded in Python. So I proposed myself to create the intranet in the first time, and later the website and working on the Python tools. As it was my first real big project, I was probably too optimistic, as I only ended the intranet for the enterprise, Cartotrac. I decided to work in Python for the backend, as I learned how to do that in my studies at Holberton School. For the frontend, I wanted to use ReactJS as it's interactive, popular and there is a lot of documentation on it. Even so it's not perfect, I'm still proud of what I've been able to achieve in only a month. The design isn't clearly the best, but I only followed the color requirements from Julien. About the functionalities, I spend a lot of time to debug everything and even now, I'm not sure everything will work perfectly for the eternity. But as long as it works for the Demoday, every thing should be fine !! Finally, I did this project because it's my portfolio project for Holberton School. I spend the first two weeks creating the backend, the next week on the frontend, four days on the google API, and finally I continued the backend and frontend till the end.

Team Member

Nathan Raynal

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